When you favorite song after song on an album, you know that's going to be a favorite. I think Kacey is just fresh and fun and so talented. My favorite songs from this album are "It is What It Is", "Follow Your Arrow" and "Merry Go Round".
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is one of my absolute favorite bands and their new album did not disappoint. I love the title which is from Shakespeare. They were one of the top shows I've been to this year. Honestly, they're one of my top shows ever. My favorite song from this album is "Firewalker". I also love "Hate the Taste" and "Let the Day Begin". Also I cannot mention BRMC without mentioning how much I love Peter Hayes! Peter Hayes, I adore you!
I just love Dawe's mellow, Americana, folky sound. I caught a short set from them at the KXT Summer Cut. I hope to see a whole show from them some day. I feel like they were just finding their groove when they were cut short. My favorite songs from this album are "Most People", "Just Beneath the Surface" and "Someone Will". I also dig "From a Window Seat" for the Steely Dan sound and the lyric about eating boots.
Ah, a brand new to me band. They are Irish and fabulous. "The John Wayne", "Harper Lee" and "Big Red Dragon" are my favorites. I believe they were at SXSW but I don't think they've been to the DFW area yet. I would love to catch their show. I think you can be Irish and Americana too.
Jason Isbell is such a great song writer. I love, love, love the song "Live Oak". My favorite lyric "There's a man who walks beside me, It is who I used to be, I wonder if she sees him and confuses him with me". It just speaks to me when you are a changed person, a new different person but you look the same to everyone who sees you. "Traveling Alone", "Elephant" and "Super 8" are all fun songs.
Another fabulous, I'm using the word fabulous too much. Another awesome band from Austin, the Wheeler Brothers. New to me but not new. I love this album. My favorite songs "Straight and Steady", "My Time", "You've Got A Lot of Love" and "Cigarette Smoke are some of my favorites. I am hoping to catch their show at Queen City Music Hall in Fort Worth.
Vampire Weekend is just some great, chill music. "Diane Young", "Obvious Believers" and "Step are some of my favorites.
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